1. Impressed Tortoise
Scientific Name: Manouria impressa
Description: The impressed tortoise is a medium to large land turtle with a light to dark brown shell that has distinct ridges running along the top.
Habitat: Prefers humid tropical forests, especially areas with high moisture levels and ground cover like leaves and plants.
Behavior: Typically found in shaded areas, it avoids direct sunlight and is primarily nocturnal.
2. Asian Box Turtle
Scientific Name: Cuora amboinensis
Description: The Asian box turtle is small to medium in size with a domed shell that can close completely. The shell is usually dark brown or black.
Habitat: Found in slow-moving water bodies like streams, swamps, and areas with high humidity in tropical forests.
Behavior: This turtle lives both on land and in water, feeding on aquatic plants and small animals.
3. Elongated Tortoise
Scientific Name: Indotestudo elongata
Description: The elongated tortoise is medium to large with a long, narrow shell that is yellow to light brown, with darker edges around each scute.
Habitat: Prefers mixed deciduous and tropical forests, especially areas with dense and abundant vegetation.
Behavior: Active during the early morning and late afternoon, it feeds mainly on fallen fruits and plants.
4. Malayan Flat-Shelled Turtle
Scientific Name: Notochelys platynota
Description: The Malayan flat-shelled turtle is small to medium in size with a flat, wide shell that is dark green or brown.
Habitat: Found in slow-moving streams and pools within tropical forests.
Behavior: Primarily aquatic, it feeds on aquatic plants and small water-dwelling animals.
Conservation Status:
Many turtle species in Khao Sok National Park are in need of conservation due to habitat loss and poaching for the pet trade or commercial use. Khao Sok National Park plays a crucial role in protecting and preserving these turtles to ensure their survival in the wild.