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Forests and Plants

 Khao Sok National Park 

Explore the lush tropical rainforest of Khao Sok, home to rare plants like the giant Rafflesia and towering trees. Discover the diversity of medicinal plants and wild mushrooms in this rich natural environment, perfect for nature study and eco-tourism.

Baan Nam Rad Watershed Forest

Baan Nam Rad Watershed Forest, in Khiri Rat Nikhom District, Surat Thani, is a lush tropical rainforest known for its diverse flora and year-round flowing crystal-clear streams and waterfalls. It plays a vital role in providing clean water to local communities and maintaining the ecosystem’s balance.

Golden Trumpet Mushroom

Golden Trumpet" may vary slightly in name) is a striking and distinctive species found in forested areas. This mushroom is notable for its vibrant golden-yellow color, which makes it stand out in its natural habitat.

Photo by Steve Axford

Yellow Button Mushroom

Scientifically known as Amanita hemibapha is a species found in Khao Sok National Park. This mushroom is distinguished by its striking golden-yellow cap, making it a visually appealing species that draws interest from both scientists and nature enthusiasts.

Photo by Steve Axford

Coral Fungus (Coral Fungus) mushroom

A type of mushroom that resembles sea coral, displaying a variety of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange, to pink. This fungus is typically found in high-humidity forests, and Khao Sok National Park is one of the places where coral fungi are abundant.

Photo by Steve Axford

Long-Net Stinkhorn Mushroom

A distinctive and rare species of fungus found in high-humidity forests across various regions of the world, including Thailand. This mushroom is notable for its unique appearance, featuring a long, delicate net or veil that drapes from the cap, resembling a skirt or bridal veil, which gives it the common name "Long-Net Stinkhorn."

Chicken Star Mushroom / Glow-in-the-Dark Mushroom

Chicken Star Mushroom, also known as the Glow-in-the-Dark Mushroom, emits light in the dark. This rare phenomenon occurs in select areas, including Khao Sok National Park, thriving in its humid, biodiverse environment.

Champagne Cup Mushroom

This species can be commonly found in Khao Sok National Park. During routine patrols by park rangers, a significant number of these mushrooms were observed, thriving due to the park's humid evergreen forest environment, which is conducive to their growth. They are typically found on decaying logs or in soil rich with decomposing leaf litter.

The canopy trees in Khao Sok National Park

Majestic trees like Yang Na and Takian Thong form a lush green canopy, vital for supporting the park's rich biodiversity. These towering giants provide habitat, regulate the climate, and offer stunning views for eco-tourists.

Ecological Importance and Conservation

Khao Sok National Park is crucial for the conservation of rare plant species and wildlife, as well as maintaining the biodiversity of Thailand. Conservation of forests and vegetation within the park is vital for preserving ecological balance and preventing the extinction of important plant species, which are significant to both local and global ecosystems.

Medicinal and Useful Plants

The park features plants like Black Galingale for boosting energy, Ngai Camphor for pain relief, and Turmeric known for its anti-inflammatory properties and culinary use.

Mushroom Species Found in Khao Sok National Park

The park hosts diverse mushrooms like the medicinal Lingzhi, the edible Earthstar, and the unique Stinkhorn with its netted cap, thriving in the park’s humid forests.

Significant Plant Species in Khao Sok National Park

This park is home to rare species like the giant Rafflesia with its large, foul-smelling flowers, the durable Yang Na tree for construction, and the medicinal Lingzhi Mushroom, crucial for the ecosystem and local traditions.

Forests and Vegetation in Khao Sok National Park

Khao Sok National Park is characterized by a tropical rainforest that boasts high biodiversity and serves as a habitat for a wide variety of plant species. The forests within the park can be categorized into several types:

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